First off I had to hand my specification in on the 16/05/11, I was able to hand this in on time as I had made sure that I started it earlier on the 13/05/11; also the designs for my database were due in on the same day, this included: the designs for all the forms, the mood boards and data linkage diagram. Although I was able to get these designs in on time they were rushed and I had to do a very long day in order to get them completed; in hindsight I should have given myself at least 2 days to get the designs completed.
Next was the Implementation stage of the project in which I had to create all of the contents for the database; I gave myself 2 days to create the front screen for the database, which was a massive overestimation as I had it created in 30 minutes, this time extra time could have been better assigned to different task. I also gave myself 2 days to create the sub area pages, which again was a massive overestimation as they were created in just over an hour; I had badly planned the first 2 parts of the Implementation stage and if I was to redo the Gantt chart I would have both of these things being created in one day. I gave myself 3 days to create all of the tables for the database and this turned out to be exactly the right amount of time to estimate; as it took 3 days to complete all of the tables due to waiting for client content. The creation of the forms for the database was given 4 days to be completed and for most of the forms this was a suitable amount of time but having run into trouble with one of the forms I have currently overrun with the time allotted; this is due to not being able to foresee for a problem that I didn't understand how to fix. I gave myself 3 days to create all of the queries in the database and this was a good estimation as it took me about three days to complete all of the queries; due to having to create different queries as I went through the creation process. I gave myself 3 days to create the reports within the database, this was an overestimation as it only took me about 1 and half days to create the report in the database; this extra time would have been better assigned to creating all of the forms. I allotted 1 day to create the macros for the database and this was an accurate estimation as in total it only took me 1 day to create all of the macros. Due to falling behind in my form creation I am not going to meet my Implementation stage deadline, which as it's a major deadline is a serious problem with my project planning; if I had correctly allocated days instead of over and under estimating then my Implementetion stage might have been finishing on time.
All of my meetings with my client were met correctly and easily as Friday each week was the best day to have chosen for both me and client. I was on time with most of my blog posts but due to half term and me being at work most of the days I was a few blog posts behind during the half term. I have since back dated these blog posts so that what I was doing on the project during half term has been documented.
As far as the Testing stage and the User guide and Hand over stages of my project are concerned I have re-evaluated how much time will be necessary for each task; this is going on how far I am through the project and what I think will take the least time, also where I have overestimated for tim necessary to do each task.
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